Constant Procession PODCASTS

415- “The Constant Procession”- Part 7

This seventh installment digs deep into my discovery of  how the Virgin Mary’s apparition in Mexico at Our Lady of Guadalupe influenced world events during the Battle of Lepanto…

The next chapter, Chapter 14 “Warmth Is Her Way,” continues in the year 1664. Our Lady appears in Laus, France.

These YouTube videos below are wonderful orientations to all the places at “Our Lady of Guadalupe“…

This video documents key locations at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City (15 minutes)- credit: mexocotlan tlaxcala

Walking the Basilica de Guadalupe, Tepeyac Hill, Mexico City (45 minutes)- video by: Abraham Appel

llustration of the task forces preparing to engage one another in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571
Illustration of the task forces preparing to engage one another in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Battle of Lepanto and it’s connection with Our Lady of Guadalupe in both Spain & Mexico– Carrie Gress, PhD in National Catholic Register-

Book cover of Benoite Rencurel and the first apparition of Notre Dame du Laus
Benoite Rencurel and the first apparition of Notre Dame du Laus

Our Lady of Laus- Stephanie A. Mann;


Pray for this war in the Middle East to End.

And Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

Beginning podcast of my 1st book: 409-The Constant Procession: Part 1

I am working on my next book and will be bringing you updates on my progress as I travel the area where the new book takes place in upstate New York.

So sign up for my MAILING LIST and keep an eye on these podcast webpages because I promise there will be some exciting things happening while in that part of the country. Some may be used within this new Book!

SIGN UP BELOW for my MAILING LIST for more about this as well as special offers for my 2nd book “The Very Fine Light!

The Nikos Steves Mailing List:

Subscribe for Updates! (I will not share your information.)

* indicates required

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

And Rate and/or comment on Amazon after reading.

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Listen to this podcast on YouTube- The Nikos Steves Channel

Find “Nikos Steves” on Facebook

“X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

414- “The Constant Procession”- Part 6

This is the 6th audio installment of my book The Constant Procession. My first book is a religious memoir about how some of the approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary have influenced history!

This installment is about the year 1531. Mexico is a country in distress following the brutal conquests of Hernando Cortes.

Saint Juan Diego when on route to Mexico City finds himself facing a series of requests by apparitions of the Virgin Mary.

She helps bring peace to the country and her mission of love at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City continues today.

A display of Our Lady of Guadalupe who is in the center plus in each corner is an oval with Juan Diego speaking with her at various times.
A display of Our Lady of Guadalupe who is in the center plus in each corner is an oval with Juan Diego speaking with her at various times.


Pray for this war in the Middle East to End.

And Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

Beginning podcast of my 1st book: 409-The Constant Procession: Part 1

Photo of the area where, note the arrow, is to indicate where the apparitions occured.
The videos clips below were taken where the apparitions between the Virgin Mary and St. Juan Diego took place in the year 1531 A.D. (NOTE ARROW)

Video from my visit to Tepeyac Hill (Our Lady of Guadalupe – Mexico City)

Tepeyac Hill, I believe this is the side Juan Diego was passing by when he heard then saw the Virgin Mary calling him from the top of this hill.

Same side, note shrine at top of Tepeyac Hill, note Roses and greenery that is maintained along with water falls.

View from one side of Tepeyac Hill where St. Juan Diego saw Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City

1/2 way up climb to top of Tepeyac Hill. Note the gardens and roses.

Front view of the modern Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.

Garden Grotto (Atlanta, GA)- short

More about the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Denver Catholic story by Racio Madera-

Women of Grace-

I am working on my next book and will be bringing you updates on my progress as I travel the area where the new book takes place in upstate New York.

So sign up for my MAILING LIST and keep an eye on these podcast webpages because I promise there will be some exciting things happening while in that part of the country. Some may be used within this new Book!

SIGN UP BELOW for my MAILING LIST for more about this as well as special offers for my 2nd book “The Very Fine Light!

The Nikos Steves Mailing List:

Subscribe for Updates! (I will not share your information.)

* indicates required

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

And Rate and/or comment on Amazon after reading.

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Listen to this podcast on YouTube- The Nikos Steves Channel

Find “Nikos Steves” on Facebook

“X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

413- “The Constant Procession”- Part 5

This is the 5th audio installment of my book “The Constant Procession.”

My first book is a religious memoir about how some of the approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary have influenced history!

This fifth installment continues with Joan of Arc’s fiery end and then moves to the Voyages of Columbus thanks to the Black Madonna and Queen of Spain.

Also the Hernando Cortés illegal voyage within the New World and encounter with the fabled City of Gold.


Pray for this war in the Middle East to End.

And Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

Beginning podcast of my book: 409 –The Constant Procession: Part 1

A model of the ship Santa Maria that hangs in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Spain.
Model of Santa Maria hangs at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Spain.

Links with other information about topics mentioned in this podcast:

Our Lady of Guadalupe (Spain)- The Catholic

The History Junkie-

The Black Madonna (Spain) – (Start with 3rd Picture) The Lonely

I am working on my next book and will be bringing you updates on my progress as I travel the area where the new book takes place in upstate New York.

So sign up for my MAILING LIST and keep an eye on these podcast webpages because I promise there will be some exciting things happening while in that part of the country. Some may be used within this new Book!

SIGN UP BELOW for my MAILING LIST for more about this as well as special offers for my 2nd book “The Very Fine Light!

The Nikos Steves Mailing List:

Subscribe for Updates! (I will not share your information.)

* indicates required

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

And Rate and/or comment on Amazon after reading.

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Listen to this podcast on YouTube- The Nikos Steves Channel

Find “Nikos Steves” on Facebook

“X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

412- “The Constant Procession”- Part 4

This is the 4th audio installment of my book The Constant Procession. My first book is a religious memoir about how some of the approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary have influenced history!

This installment digs deep into my discovery about how a Ukraine Community forms following apparitions of the Madonna at “Our Loving Mother’s Children” in Conyers, Georgia, USA. Then it’s onto the 1st image of the Black Madonna in Spain.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is P1070712.jpg
A Ukrainian Church community forms following the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at “Our Loving Mother’s Children” site in Conyers, Georgia, USA
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA (The Church formed following Apparitions)

This is a photo taken at the Basilica in Guadalupe, Spain where the icon was found:

Painting at the Basilica of the moment when they found the miraculous statue.
Painting from when Gil Cordero finds the miraculous statue of the Black Madonna hidden by Christians hundreds of years earlier during the conquest of Spain by the Muslim Moors.
The statue of the Black Madonna dressed in pyramidal robes at Basilica of"Santa Maria de Guadalupe in Spain
This is the icon of the Black Madonna dug up following the apparition of the Virgin Mary to Gil Cordero in 1386 (dressed in pyramidal robes) at the Basilica of “Santa Maria de Guadalupe” (Spain)


Also, Pray for this war in the Middle East to end.

Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

For More information:

“The Farm” aka “Our Loving Mother’s Children”

Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church

Our Lady of Guadalupe (Spain)- The Catholic

The Black Madonna (Spain) – (Start with 3rd Picture) The Lonely

While I work on the new book, I will podcast for free this release of my 1st book “The Constant Procession” in 15 minute installments for your listening pleasure.

From time to time this summer I will update on my progress as I travel the area where the new book takes place in upstate New York.

So sign up for my MAILING LIST and keep an eye on these podcast webpages because I promise there will be some exciting things happening while in that part of the country. Some may be used within this new Book!

SIGN UP BELOW for my MAILING LIST for more about this as well as special offers for my 2nd book “The Very Fine Light!

Beginning podcast of my 1st book: 409-The Constant Procession: Part 1

The Nikos Steves Mailing List:

Subscribe for Updates! (I will not share your information.)

* indicates required

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

And Rate and/or comment on Amazon after reading.

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Listen to this podcast on YouTube- The Nikos Steves Channel

Find “Nikos Steves” on Facebook

“X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

411- “The Constant Procession”- Part 3

This third installment continues with the “Our Lady of Lourdes” apparition that happened in Lourdes, France in 1858. St Bernadette Soubirous has her credibility questioned until revealing a specific thing the Virgin Mary said to her.

Candlelight vigil at Lourdes attracts 1000's who come from all over the world.
Candlelight vigil at Lourdes attracts 1000’s who come from all over the world.

And my journey continues at the Nancy Fowler apparition site in Conyers, Georgia known as “Our Loving Mother” which occured during the last decade of the twentieth century in the U.S.A.

Photo of the small statue of the Virgin Mary that can be seen in the center during the Rosary prayers following the crowning of the larger statue with a wreath of flowers on May 13, 2021 at The Farm.

An “Our Loving Mother” event that took place during the “corona” days in Conyers, Georgia, USA


Also, Pray for this war in the Middle East to end.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

Hello! This summer I will continue writing my 3rd book.

While I work on the new book, I will podcast for free this release of my 1st book “The Constant Procession” in 15 minute installments for your listening pleasure.

From time to time this summer I will update on my progress as I travel the area where the new book takes place in upstate New York.

So sign up for my MAILING LIST and keep an eye on these podcast webpages because I promise there will be some exciting things happening while in that part of the country. Some may be used within this new Book!

SIGN UP BELOW for my MAILING LIST for more about this as well as special offers for my 2nd book “The Very Fine Light!

Bernadette- photo taken most likely sometime after the apparition.
Bernadette- photo taken in the Lourdes, France apparition site museum.

Here is a very good review of The Song of Bernadette by author Christine Vincent-

Then twelve years later, I seek a return voyage to ‘The Farm.’

Sign says The Farm in front of the Conyers Georgia apparition site
The Farm; Conyers, Georgia Apparition site
Visitors at the apparition site on October 13, 2017 see the sun breaking through (Podcast 166)

Beginning podcast of my 1st book: 409-The Constant Procession: Part 1

The Nikos Steves Mailing List:

Subscribe for Updates! (I will not share your information.)

* indicates required

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

And Rate and/or comment on Amazon after reading.

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Listen to this podcast on YouTube- The Nikos Steves Channel

Find “Nikos Steves” on Facebook

“X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

410- “The Constant Procession”- Part 2

This second installment digs deep into my discovery of the curious reason churches following World War II were named “Our Lady of Lourdes.”

The Constant Procession is a book about my journey into learning the history of seven of the major approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary and how they have influenced history.

And Pray for this war in the Middle East to end.

Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

This summer I will be working on my 3rd book.

While I work the new book, I will podcast for free this release of my 1st book “The Constant Procession” in 15 minute installments for your listening pleasure.

Please sign up below for my mailing list for updates plus offers for my 2nd book “The Very Fine Light


Beginning podcast of my 1st book: 409-The Constant Procession- Part 1

The inspiration for the famous author, Franz Werfel’s writing of the book The Song of Bernadette came to life for the author when he was trying to escape from capture by the Nazis in 1941 while he hid in Lourdes, France.

Early and 70's book covers of The Song of Bernadette
1970’s version (L) and 1940’s version of The Song of Bernadette by Franz Werfel. Notice how the ‘dust jackets’ reflect the popular culture emphasis of each time period when books were printed.
1943 and Readers Digest book covers of The Song of Bernadette.
Early 1941 printing of the book (L) and the early 1942 Readers Digest copy (R)
Early photo of Lourdes Sanctuary (may be as it looked during WW II to Franz Werfel)
Early photo of the Lourdes Basilica, at the Our Lady of Lourdes Apparition site (This may be how it looked during WW II to Franz Werfel)

Here is a very good review of The Song of Bernadette by author Christine Vincent-

Pyrenees Mountains, Franz Werfel had to travel over to get to neutral Spain from Nazi captured France.
Franz Werfel had to climb over these Pyrenees Mountains to get to neutral Spain and escape the Nazis in occupied France.

Mailing list subscribers get the latest updates for my new book and more:

Nikos Steves Mailing List:

(I will not share your information.)

* indicates required
An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

And Rate and/or comment on Amazon after reading.

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Listen to this podcast on YouTube- The Nikos Steves Channel

Find “Nikos Steves” on Facebook

“X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

409- “The Constant Procession”- Part 1

Nikos Steves here and this summer I continue working on my 3rd book.

Meanwhile, for your summer listening pleasure, you will hear a free reading of my 1st book “The Constant Procession” from cover to cover in 15 minute podcast segments.

This book was the genesis for these “Constant Procession” podcasts.

“The Constant Procession” is about the history of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and why I started my journey following her famous apparitions, which took me around the world to these famous apparition sites.

My mailing list subscribers get the latest updates for this new book and more:

Join the Nikos Steves Mailing List:

(I will not share your information.)

* indicates required

And Pray for this war in the Middle East to end.

Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.


Several of the Churches mentioned in this podcast:

photo of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Atlanta, GA
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Atlanta, GA
Photo of Immaculate Heart of Mary - Atlanta, GA
Immaculate Heart of Mary – Atlanta, GA (Note old Church to the left)

More resources about Apparitions of the Virgin Mary:

Michael O’Neill, The Miracle

Read William J. Walsh’s book- Heaven’s Bright Queen (at

Michael H Brown’s website Spirit

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
Available in Print, ebook and audiobook versions!

I am self-publishing this book, You can help by spreading the word about the book to your family, friends and work associates.

And Rate and/or comment on Amazon after reading.

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
The Nikos Steves Channel on YouTube!

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

408- Interview about cycling the “M de Marie”

This podcast offers a unique interview about what it is like riding the “M de Marie.”

While closing the books on podcasts produced here at the On-Line Publications studios for the recent 1-day “Way of the M” pilgrimage coverage, I uncovered a great interview from the 2019 “Le Grand AIME de Marie” (The Great Love of Mary) pilgrimage.

I interviewed Mathieu Courage, team leader and one of the bicyclists who was a “pilgrim-cyclist” in 2019, the year before “covid” came along.


Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them

photo of The 2019 Grand Love of Mary cyclists arrive and pause in front of Notre Dame in Paris...
The 2019 Grand Love of Mary cyclists arrive and pause in front of Notre Dame in Paris…
Map of 2019 tour route with all stops
Map of proposed 2019 tour route with all stops
photo of The cyclists somewhere on the "M" during the 2019 tour.
The cyclists somewhere on the “M” during the 2019 tour.

The purpose of this annual event is to recognize, and thank the Virgin Mary for her intercessions to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

This year, in 2024 “The Way of the M” was a one-day walking pilgrimage on May 26 (Mother’s Day in France) across France.

Illustration of the letter M superimposed over a map of France. This pilgrimage 'walk' took place on Sunday, May 26, 2024.

The Way of the M during the May 26, 2024 procession-

Video for one area during the May 26, 2024 pilgrimage-

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.

Mailing List for all my books:

Subscribe for Updates! (I will not share your information.)

* indicates required
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

407- The Way of the M- L’Ile-Bouchard

This episode is about L’Ile-Bouchard, also known as Our Lady of Prayer.

And Congratulations to all the pilgrims who took part in the “Way of the M” procession across France on Sunday, May 26, 2024.

Graphic of Apparition sites making up the M
Apparition sites making up the M

L’Ile-Bouchard (Bouchard Island) is a small town in north-western France and is where the Virgin Mary appeared to four little girls in 1947.


Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them

Photo of Location and placement where apparitions took place in 1947
Location and placement where apparitions took place at the church in L’Ile-Bouchard
Better angle of the location and positioning of the Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel
Better angle of the location and positioning of the Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel
Black and White Postcard of key points in the apparition story of L'Ile-Bouchard
Postcard of key points in the apparition story of L’Ile-Bouchard

Quotes and more for this Podcast :

Our Lady of Prayer by William A. Thomas-L’

The Catholic Travel Guide- L’Ile-Bouchard

Illustration of the letter M superimposed over a map of France. This pilgrimage 'walk' took place on Sunday, May 26, 2024.

“The Way of the M” was a one-day walking pilgrimage on May 26, (Mother’s Day in France) across France.

The purpose of this annual event is to recognize, and thank the Virgin Mary for her intercessions to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Way of the M during the May 26 procession-

Video for one area during the May 26 pilgrimage-

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
My novel “The Very Fine Light” is available in Print, ebook and audiobook versions!

Mailing List for all my books:

Subscribe for Updates! (I will not share your information.)

* indicates required
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

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Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

406- The Way of the M- Paray-Le-Monial

Graphic of Apparition sites making up the M
Apparition sites making up the M

“The Way of the M” will be a one-day walking pilgrimage on May 26, (Mother’s Day in France) across France.

The purpose of this annual event is to recognize, and thank the Virgin Mary for her intercessions to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Illustration of the letter M superimposed over a map of France. The letters are compolse of identical blue circles with an icon of a person hiking inside. There are almost 200 circles overlapping each other to make up the letter M. Each circle represents a group of hikers who will walk along this imaginary M to thank the Virgin Mary for her intercessions to her son, Jesus Christ. This pilgrimage 'walk' will take place on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
Each circle represents a hikers who will walk along this imaginary M.

Plus this podcast continues with the apparitions of St Margaret-Mary Alacoque and the amazing story of a young girl who made a vow to the Virgin Mary after being struck down with rheumatic fever.

She’s known as the “First of Mary’s Daughters.”

St. Margaret-Mary of Paray-Le-Monial in southeastern France, was known worldwide as the promoter of the Sacred Heart of Jesus after she had been protected by the Virgin Mary in her youth.


Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them

Photo of the Basilica of Paray-le-Monial
Basilica of Paray-le-Monial
Illustration of Maria_Droste_zu_Vischering_and_the_Sacred_Heart_of_Jesus
Maria Droste zu Vischering and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque from
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque from
Illustration of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Source material for this podcast and for more information:

St. Margaret-Mary Alacoque, by Fr. Henry A. Johnston

William J. Walsh- Heavens Bright Queen Vol. 3 pg. 230

Official Paray-le-Monial website

The Catholic Travel Guide-Paray-le-Monial

An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
My novel “The Very Fine Light” is available in Print, ebook and audiobook versions!

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Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

405- The Way of the M- La Salette

Nice M de Marie graphic map for the 2020 Procession of Mary in France

For this podcast, I read an excerpt about “La Salette” from my first book- The Constant Procession. (Stay tuned for more from this book!)

“The Way of the M” will be a one-day walking pilgrimage on May 26, Mother’s Day across France.

The purpose of this annual event is to recognize, and thank the Virgin Mary for her intercessions to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Photo of La Salette
La Salette- One of the apparition locations where the Virgin Mary appeared on the “Way of the M.”

A 14th century monk, Gregory Palamas observed about the Madonna that “While on earth, she harkened and obeyed heavenly things rather than things earthly.”

Also, in the words of an Orthodox Archbishop John Maximovitch who lived from 1896-1966: “The end of the earthly life of the Virgin Mary was the beginning of her greatness.”


Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them

For More on Our Lady of La Salette:

The Wayback Machine– University of Dayton

From the National Shrine of Our Lady of La

From Wikipedia

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Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

404- May 5th- A Different Easter Day

Christ Has Risen!

This year, the Eastern Orthodox Church’s Easter religious holiday was celebrated five weeks later than most other Christian Church’s.

The reason is due to the fact that our church works off a different calendar than most other Christian denominations.

And this year on our calendar, May 5th was Easter Day, or “Pascha”- the New Passover.

A calendar from October 1582 removing 11 days from the 5th to the 14th
October 1582 calendar, when they removed days from the calendar.
Ides of March with 2 photo of Julius Caesar and difference in the date between Julian and Gregorian calendars
Ides of March with 2 photo of Julius Caesar and difference in the date between Julian and Gregorian calendars

Links to articles about the difference in Easter Day:

Why do some Christians celebrate Easter on different days-

BBC- Why are there 2 Easters ?


Catholic for


“The Way of the M” will be a one-day walking pilgrimage on May 26, Mother’s Day across France.

The purpose of this annual event is to recognize, and thank the Virgin Mary for her intercessions to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Nice M de Marie graphic map for the 2020 Procession of Mary in France

Mailing List for all my books:

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Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

403- The Way of the M- Lourdes

Nice M de Marie graphic map for the 2020 Procession of Mary in France

For this podcast, I read an excerpt about “Our Lady of Lourdes” from my first book- The Constant Procession. (Stay tuned for more from this book!)

“The Way of the M” will be a one-day walking pilgrimage on May 26, Mother’s Day across France.

The purpose of this annual event is to recognize, and thank the Virgin Mary for her intercessions to Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them

Close up of the Grotto, with the statue of the Virgin Mary. This is the spot where Bernadette and the Virgin met.
Close up of the Grotto, with the statue of the Virgin Mary. This is the spot where Bernadette and the Virgin met.
This is a photo Looking at the very bottom-middle of this photo where it can be seenyou can see how the Basilica is built over the grotto where the Virgin Mary appeared. (notice the stack of candles.
Looking at the very bottom-middle of this photo you can see how the Basilica is built over the grotto where the Virgin Mary appeared. (notice the stack of candles… and compare with other photo provided here.)
Vista that shows the Santurary as it sits above the grotto where the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette
Vista- Notice the Sanctuary was built above where statue of Mary is, which is the spot where the Virgin appeared to Bernadette. Also to the left (in the distance) is where the village is.
Bernadette- photo taken most likely sometime after the apparition.
Bernadette- photo taken most likely sometime after the apparition.

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Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

402- The Way of the M- Pontmain

This apparition of the Virgin Mary is another appearance where only children could see the Madonna!

Also in this podcast is an excerpt from my book, “The Very Fine Light.”


Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

Stain glass Impression of Pontmain apparition
Impression of Pontmain apparition
Illustration of Apparition over the house
Apparition over the house
photo of Barn where seers watched from
Barn where seers watched from

The “M de Marie” is a pilgrimage trail that people from all walks of life will be processing across on Sunday, May 26.

This year the pilgrimage is also known as “The Way of the M.”

Nice M de Marie graphic map for the 2020 Procession of Mary in France

Sources and More about the Pontmain Apparition:

Anne (Mary K.) Farran- photos &  translation of first book

The Catholic Travel Guide (Pontmain)

Official Website of Pontmain- The Story (in English)

Catholic Straight Answers (Pontmain-Our Lady of Hope)

Official Website of Pontmain- The Witnesses (in English)

This video, though in French is mostly the visual representation of how the apparition appeared and the various stages of the apparition, (worth watching)

I used an original translation as well as a number of other sources for this installment. Check them out as they all that have even more information about Pontmain:

Credit for: What Happened at Pontmain
Credit for: What Happened at Pontmain
Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on

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Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

This book is being self-published. Please consider sharing the book with family, friends and work associates. And Please Comment on Amazon after reading.

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession; the podcast; is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo

401- The Way of the M- Pellevoisin

This episode includes a destination site where an apparition the Virgin Mary took place in 1876 called ‘Our Lady of Pellevoisin’

Pellevoisin is just one of the places along the 1,200-mile “M” pathway through France known as “The M de Marie” (The M of Mary.)

This year the pilgrimage is also known as “The Way of the M.”

The “M de Marie” is a pilgrimage trail that people from all walks of life will be processing across on Sunday, May 26.

Nice M de Marie graphic map for the 2020 Procession of Mary in France

May 26 is the official day that France celebrates Mother’s Day.

This unique pathway traces the letter ‘M’ (for Mary) across France.

This course was created in part, to honor the Virgin Mary and in celebration of some of the major apparition sites where she has visited humanity over the centuries since she passed on from the world.

 Also in this installment, I will read an excerpt from my book, “The Very Fine Light.”

Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at"
This is a LINK to the book page on


Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.

And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

Drawing of Our Lady of Pellevoisin's 11 apparition to Estelle (from official website)
Our Lady of Pellevoisin with Estelle (official site)-
photo of the Scapular- The Sacred Heart of Jesus from Estelle's vision
Scapular- The Sacred Heart of Jesus from Estelle’s vision
Painting; Estelle Faguetta- painted in 1965 (from official website)
Estelle Faguetta- painted in 1965-

Great links for more information about Our Lady of Pellevoisin:

Devine Mysteries- Pellevoisin

Miracle Hunter- Pellevoisin

Official Lady of Pellevoisin site (in French)

Marian Library at the University of Dayton

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Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
Link to the Nikos Steves YouTube Channel

This book is being self-published. Please consider sharing the book with family, friends and work associates. And Please Comment on Amazon after reading.

Plus- Find Nikos Steves on Facebook, “X” (@StevesNikos)


Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022
Poster for donations for Ukraine 770-480-8775
Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Conyers GA

I value feedback through the comments section here

OR- Better via email at

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

The Podcast Academy Member Logo