Easter Sunday is BUT the First Day of “Easter Week” aka “Bright Week.”
The entirety of “Bright Week” is just the START of the celebration of the miraculous event of Jesus Christ overcoming death.
“Easter Sunday” is the start of :
The 50 Days of celebrating the great gift of Jesus Christ rising from the dead and visiting his followers on earth up until:
HIS Ascension and then Pentecost.
Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.
More about the 50 days of celebrations after Easter Sunday:
What happened after Easter?- Youvision.com
Divine Mercy, 2nd Sunday of Easter- Denvercatholic.org
Questions? NikosSteves@gmail.com
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Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.
The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.
(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)
Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.