This is the 2nd audio installment of my book The Constant Procession. My first book is a religious memoir about how some of the approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary have influenced history!
This installment digs deep into my discovery of the reason churches in post WW II America were named for the Madonna.
Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.
Hello! This summer I will be researching my 3rd book.
While I work on the new book, I will podcast for free this release of my 1st book “The Constant Procession” in 15 minute installments for your listening pleasure.
And stay tuned here because from time to time I will keep you updated on my research progress and would like to bounce a few ideas about Book 3 off of you as I compose this new work!
So please SIGN UP BELOW for my MAILING LIST for more news about this as well as updates for the new Audio and Print releases of my 2nd book “The Very Fine Light!

Beginning podcast of my 1st book: 356-The Constant Procession: Part 1
The inspiration for the famous author, Franz Werfel’s writing of the book The Song of Bernadette came to life for the author when he was trying to escape from capture by the Nazis in 1941 while he hid in Lourdes, France.

Here is a very good review of The Song of Bernadette by author Christine Vincent-

The Nikos Steves Mailing List:

This book is being self-published. Please consider sharing the book with family, friends and work associates. And Please Comment on Amazon after reading.


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Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.
The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.
(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)
Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.