422- “The Constant Procession”- Part 14

This is the fourteenth installment of my first book, The Constant Procession.

From Time Magazine’s pronouncement in 1966 that ‘God is Dead’ to riots across the USA over the Viet Nam War, this assertion by the powers that be about the status of God gives a reminder about the world in the 1960’s.

A remembrance that indeed it was a time of great social upheaval. Three years before, in 1963, John F. Kennedy the sitting American President was assassinated. Three days later the assassination of his alleged killer was witnessed live on TV by millions.

Collectively these actions of violence became high water marks of an epoch that shook the foundations of Western society to its core. In counter-point to all these actions of man, new reports about apparitions of the Virgin Mary and her messages to humanity surfaced once again. 

In Chapter 25 entitled “Apparition for All,” a series of nightly appearances by the Virgin Mary took place high atop a Christian church in Egypt between the years 1968 through 1971. During this four-year period well over one-quarter of a million people from many different religious and non-religious backgrounds witnessed her there. The president of the country spoke of these appearances, which were also witnessed by non-Christians.

Photo from video about Cairo Egypt with link to YouTube

In Chapter 26 entitled “Keepers of the Light” a new Pope, John Paul II makes a landmark return to the country of his birth. This trip encourages the desires of the Polish people in their early efforts to retake control of their country from the repressive post-war Communist regime.

Also during the time period a secret memorandum by the USSR secret police is sent to teachers across the Soviet Union to warn that the Pope is their enemy. Meanwhile in the USA, the new president is a man who makes no bones about his belief in God and to the horror of the established Washington, DC elite, he takes a decidedly different tack from the mainstream’s established way of doing things.  

These two world leaders efforts for change spawned dramatic changes for the Soviet Communists’ hold on Eastern Europe as well as it’s own internal politics.

Rewards for these leaders efforts were the same, each suffer assassination attempts on their lives. The second secret of the Fatima apparition comes true for Pope John Paul II. However, he believes it was the Virgin Mary who saved him from death.

Meanwhile, as both men recover from their wounds, in a remote part of the Eastern Bloc, dramatic eye witness accounts of a new appearance of the Virgin Mary occur to several teenagers as they are returning home after sneaking off to smoke cigarettes.

Three thousand people return to the place three days later and so begin the on-going accounts of apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje.

More about the 1968-1971 Apparitions of the “Queen of Peace” in Egypt:


Catholic Exchange.com

Beginning podcast of my book: 409-The Constant Procession: Part 1

Questions? NikosSteves@gmail.com

Pray for this war in the Middle East to End.

Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

I am working on my next book and will bring you an update as I travel the area where the new book takes place in upstate New York.

So keep an eye on these podcast webpages because I promise there will be some exciting things happening while in that part of the country to be used in the new Book!

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An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at Amazon.com. There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

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Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
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Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website uocofusa.org
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

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Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

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