424- “The Constant Procession”- Part 16

This is the sixteenth installment, just one more to come.

Medjugorje, does not come to mind as a vacation spot. But it has inspired visiting pilgrims to spread the Madonna’s words.

For young people, who have not lived more than thirty years, this area of the world is typically not on their radar. For those who have lived a bit longer, there remains a dark mental imprint. A remembrance that recalls brutality inflicted on people within this region as they experienced civil war in the 1990’s. Fighting caused by the breaking up of Yugoslavia.

For me, the news reporting during that period of the civil war did little to help explain the confusing jumble of puzzling information that ominously included atrocities, genocide and war crimes.

Yet this area is where the Madonna appeared. She offered to the world a surprising counterpoint to humanities deeds. It’s amazing to me that even during that civil war pilgrims from around the world continued to converge on Medjugorje, which seemed to be located in the middle of the warfare.

In May of 2018, Pope Francis installed an archbishop to Medjugorje in order to help guide the daily pastoral care for the millions of pilgrims who go to Medjugorje annually.

Also found in this reading is how the early pilgrims spilled out from Medjugorje and brought back to their own communities renewed spiritual energies and in doing so they too benefit humanity on local scale.

And the constant procession continues…

Beginning podcast of my book: 409-The Constant Procession: Part 1

Questions? NikosSteves@gmail.com

Pray for this war in the Middle East to end.

Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

Photo of St James Church with statue of Mary from Cruxnow.com
Photo and Article link from CRUXNOW.COM with more about Medjugorje

A 2023 in depth history of the 1st apparitions, Communist suppression & current religious status.

I am working on my next book and will bring you an update as I travel the area where the new book takes place in upstate New York.

So keep an eye on these podcast webpages because I promise there will be some exciting things happening while in that part of the country to be used in the new Book!

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An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at Amazon.com. There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind.

I am self-publishing this book. Please spread the word about the book…

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Background of river with bridge and the book image over this background for my book "The Very Fine Light." Also Text that reads "Find Book Title at Amazon.com"
This is a LINK to the book page on Amazon.com
Cover of my new book "The Very Fine Light" and the words "The Nikos Steves Channel" over a background photo of a bridge over the river in the fictional village of "Canalville"
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Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website uocofusa.org
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

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OR- Better via email at NikosSteves@gmail.com

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

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