Keep Celebrating the Great 50 Day Feast of Eastertime. Trust in the Risen Christ!
Between the Ascension and just before Pentecost, the Apostles could only guess what would come upon them.
But The Virgin Mary already knew
Jesus Christ at that time portrayed his way of leadership and quite a counterpoint to weak leaders like those who challenged Joan of Arc.
Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.

The Virgin Mary at Pentecost (

The Virgin Mary at Pentecost (
May 16 is the Anniversary of Joan of Arc becoming a Saint.
Here’s an amazing reality – Mark Twain wrote a book about Joan of Arc and felt it was his greatest work! Here’s a quote from him (from the Catholic World Report)
Mark Twain was still alive when the Church beatified Joan of Arc in 1909. To a certain extent, his novel remains a puzzling act of devotion from a complicated man. For the great American author, there was no one like St. Joan. He marveled at her confidence in God’s Will, her courage, her simplicity. And in her he saw an example for all time. We can hear Twain’s own voice in the words of his narrator describing Joan: “It took six thousand years to produce her; her like will not be seen in the earth again in fifty thousand. Such is my opinion.”

Joan of Arc – Detailed History (
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Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.
The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.
(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)
Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.