“Two Angels” is an original Christmas story as the Advent candles and the Nativity Fast continue getting us closer to Christ coming to earth!
My story Two Angels is about old friends on opposite sides a city, a broken car, and help from some surprising friends.
Plus- I have also included for your listening pleasure an excerpt from the AudioBook of The Very Fine Light– Chapter 19 in this podcast!
This sound recording of the novel really enhances the telling of the story.
The Audiobook and Print versions of my book– now on Amazon!
The Very Fine Light takes place during the Christmas “pre-season,” making it a Great Christmas Holiday read or listen!
“The Very Fine Light” is a contemporary novel with Christian themes about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a freewheeling village employee who’s always in trouble for speaking his mind!
Source material for this podcast and for more information:
Nativity Fast (It’s never too late to start)- Wikipedia
The Virgin Mary’s Role in Advent– Fr. Roger J. Landry
Questions? NikosSteves@gmail.com
Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.
And Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.
This book is being independently self-published. Please consider sharing the book with family, friends and acquaintances. And Please Comment on Amazon after reading.
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OR- Better via email at NikosSteves@gmail.com
Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.
The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.
(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)
Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.