427- A visit to “Tepeyac Hill” at Our Lady of Guadalupe

The realities of getting around an apparition site in a different country is explored in this week’s podcast.

I visited the “Our Lady of Guadalupe” apparition site in Mexico City a number of years ago now. Recalling my experience in today’s podcast, specifically getting there and also walking up “Tepeyac Hill” becomes more vivid as the years go by.

The actual experience is a paradox of inspiration, research, detailed planning, speculation, unexpected challenges, insecurity, confidence, blind faith and timing melded together, in an amalgamation of reward and relief, tension and finally peace.

My desire to see and walk the grounds where the Virgin Mary appeared to St Juan Diego over 500 years ago just came to my attention out of the blue (as have all my other tours to various apparition sites in the world.) 

GREAT VIDEO TOUR of the site by: Mexocotlan tiacala

And sharing those travels with my lovely wife who has now transitioned to Heaven makes all those investments of time during life more meaningful with each passing day…

My take away for this one is the reward of persistence and perseverance in the face of the unknown and unexpected.

But more importantly, to have total faith in the Virgin Mary whose requests go to her son for giving overarching protection for those on pilgrimage.

In this case a visit to climb “Tepeyac Hill” at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Basilica and Shrine apparition site in Mexico City.

May the Virgin Mary intercede for your prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Photo of the Sculpture of stone sails at Our Lady of Guadalupe appariton site
The Hilltop Chapel & “Sail Shrine” given in thanks to Our Lady by survivors from a ship in peril


History about Our Lady of Guadalupe-CatholicEducation.org

Juan Diego and the Virgin Mary- WordOnFire.org

Details various places at the Apparition site- CatholicShrineBasilica.com

1/2 way up climb to top of Tepeyac Hill. Note the gardens and roses.
Same side, note shrine at top of Tepeyac Hill, note Roses and greenery that is maintained along with water falls.

Questions? NikosSteves@gmail.com

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This is a contemporary novel about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a free wheeling co-worker who is always in trouble for speaking his mind!.

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Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website uocofusa.org
Donation details for giving to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

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Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my book The Constant Procession.

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published here every Tuesday morning.

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