446- St Willibald, Bishop to Eichstätt

Saint Willibald is the 4th of 6 saints from an English family who lived in the 700’s.

He was the son of Saint Wuna and Richard of Wessex, and nephew of St. Boniface and brother to St Winebald and St Valpurga.

Color Illustration of St. Willibald
St. Willibald credit- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/332070172528292473/

His parents, as a part of their prayers to God, pledged to place the child into Divine service as a monk should he survive.

St Willibald experienced a miraculous cure and studied to become a monk.

Graffiti of the family of saints from wiki commons
St Wuna is on the right along with her husband Richard, then Winebald, St Valpurga and St Williebald from Wikicommons

At one point he was tasked to become a Bishop.

Because he had a diplomatic nature, he successfully handled situations between various challenges from the different pressures of a pilgrim church in Eichstätt, Germania.

The church in Eichstätt thrived under his guidance.

For more about St Willibald:

The Heavy Anglo Orthodox.blogspot.com


New Advent.org

Questions? NikosSteves@gmail.com

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An infographic that says: The Very Fine Light eBook is now on sale at Amazon.com. There is also an excerpt from the book it reads, They sat on the rusting tower and watched the sunset like they use to. This day the tower became a time maching of sorts.
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Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA website uocofusa.org
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Ukranian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)- from Roman Catholic Prayer Service in Atlanta on March 28, 2022

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