“Our Lady of Hrushiv.” Two apparitions of the Virgin Mary that occurred in the Ukraine during the 20th Century.

It’s timely to take a moment and review just why the Ukraine captures the attention of those around her and the world.
The Ukraine was dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the year 1037. It’s a special place for the Madonna.
Also in this podcast- a personal observation about Eastertime for the Eastern Orthodox Christian Churches because it falls five weeks later than “American Easter” this year.
And, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links below on ways to support them.
Pray for a Resolution to the fighting in the Middle East.
Questions? NikosSteves@gmail.com
Also- Check Out My Novel- The Very Fine Light

“The Very Fine Light” is a contemporary novel with Christian themes about a village on the verge of bankruptcy, the mayor with a secret and a freewheeling village employee who’s always in trouble for speaking his mind!
More for Eastern Orthodox Christian Easter (Pascha)
Easter Facts and Calendars- Britannica.com
What is Orthodox Easter- Parade.com
Orthodox Easter 2024- thegoodshepherd.org.au
Sources & more about Our Lady of Hrushiv
A timeline of the Virgin Mary’s appearances in Hrushivv- Saints 2B blog
Our Lady of Hrushiv, Ukraine – Devine Mysteries.info
SpiritDaily.com- Book quotes: Witness
Josyp Terelya info and more about the book- Marys Way.net
More information about Lent + Resources for Your Lenten Journey:
Eternal World Television Network- EWTN.com
Catholic Diocese of Wichita.org
Activites for Children for Lent- CatholicIcing.com
My book is being self-published. Please consider sharing the book with family, friends and acquaintances.

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Places to Donate to help the People of Ukraine save their Country:

I value feedback through the comments section here
OR- Better via email at NikosSteves@gmail.com
Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.
The origin of these podcasts began with my book Constant Procession.
(An e-book copy of the book can be found here on the website.)
Constant Procession; the podcast; is published here every Tuesday morning.